Riley had a pretty relaxing week last week- nothing huge to report! She is getting bigger and growing everyday, the last few days I have sworn she looks completely different to me. Ken doesn't think so, but I think she does! She is starting to figure things out- today she was sucking her thumb for the first time! She can definitely use her hands, but I'm not entirely sure that she is aware that she can use them and how she can use them. She grabs onto the toys on her bouncy seat now, but she doesn't seem to realize that she is the one making them move and make noise. It's pretty cute! Ken has been working on our closet building, and that's about all the exciting news from around here! Tessa is putting her crib on loan to Riley, so we are kind of excited to see how she does in a big girl bed rather than the pack and play or the little bed we've had her sleeping in. She seems to sleep better being closer to us, but hopefully we can teach her to sleep by herself!