This kid is amazing.

Sunday at Grandma Sharon's!

Riley had a big weekend! Ken's best friend from college, Kristine came into visit, so Friday afternoon we headed off to Denver to pick her up and didn't come home till late. Riley was perfect- she loved looking at everything and everybody in the airport, and she should have been starving when she woke up, but she just looked around at everything and was so distracted she went about 4 hours without eating. I was needless to say, very impressed. She does really well in car rides, so going from home to Denver isn't a big deal for her. Saturday we headed for Rocky Mountain National Park, which was actually her second visit there. She was about as interested as she was the first time she was there. We headed into Grand Lake, which is the cutest little town, and checked out the brewery. Ken and I had picked up a sampler pack of their beers a few weeks ago and we were anxious to try everything they had. It is a pretty small operation, they don't even have separate mens and women's bathrooms! So we hung out there for awhile, and then headed back home and just hung out for the rest of the night. Sunday we had brunch at Red Mountain Grill, where they were running a bottomless mimosa special. Yummy. Then we headed to Denver to drop Kristine off at the airport, while leaving Riley with Grandma Sharon whom she hadn't really seen in awhile and was thrilled at the prospect of hanging out with the girl. We went to Home Depot in Denver on the way back- how is it that the Denver Home Depot can have so much more stuff than the one in Avon? So silly. Ken was in heaven and got a mitre saw so we can finish the bedroom and for future projects, and I was playing with my new phone, the Blackberry Storm. We came back, got Riley, and as soon as she went to bed, so did I. I was uploading pictures this morning from the camera and noticed that someone snuck a pic of me sleeping. I got the best call ever this morning, we finally get to take her off the oxygen!!! Heather, the nurse from Dr. Morano's office said she passed with flying colors. I can't wait to call Alpinaire and have them come get the dang tanks out of our house!! We are both (actually probably all three of us) pretty stoked about this!! Finally.
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