Monday, January 18, 2010

Not My Child Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

My child definitely didn't wake up at 11 PM last night and keep herself and me up until 3:15 AM. Not my sweet baby. She also didn't refuse juice or formula for two days straight this week due to an ear infection, nor did she weasel her little self into our bed with us for two nights straight. She also didn't learn how to crawl on top of the couch like a cat, or figure out how to stand up in the seat of a shopping cart, even belted in. She also didn't demand to take the spoon from me last night while eating dinner, and proceed to dump out the rest of the jar of broccoli and cheese and carrots and spread it all over her high chair and me. She would NEVER discover that if she reaches through the holes of her babyjail she can grab at the netflix movies or the tv remotes or the books she's not supposed to have. She didn't discover the knocking over towers of blocks is her new favorite past time and giggled uncontrollably when Daddy kept building them for her. She definitely didn't run head first into a wooden post at Grandma's house and give herself a huge knot on her forehead and her daddy a near heart attack. And she would NEVER take two steps in front of her momma and then refuse to do it for her daddy. NEVER.



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