Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Stream of Consciousness

Dear Riley,
I know, I know. I am a slacker in the worst sense of the word, however, you try and make three meals a day for yourself and a hungry and demanding 16 month old, change 432 diapers, get 343 cups of milk and water, go to the bathroom by yourself or at least attempt to, play peekaboo 4342 times a day, take a nap, and then make dinner for the whole family in a day and tell me how many hours you have left in your day. I can assure you it is not a lot. Now that you have discovered the power of the spoken language, you have a hard time being quiet. And you aren't quite speaking English completely yet, it is mostly Rileyish with an occasional Momma, Daddy, Hi, Duck, and whatever other random words you choose to throw in. Yesterday we went to the park and you went down this super long slide seven or eight times without stopping. Daddy and I were cracking up because you loved it. Although you are only 16 months old, you have already discovered the power of a fit. If you are told no, you tend to collapse into a heap on the floor after screaming your little heart out. It is hilarious and pathetic all at the same time. We finally found a toothbrush that you love, so much so that you actually say please to use it at bedtime. On Sunday night I made a blueberry loaf and you ate so much of it yesterday that I thought you were going to turn into a blueberry. We finally bit the bullet and bought a video monitor and it continues to crack us up daily with how much you do in your bed at night, especially after we put you down. Daddy gave you a bath the other night for the first time in a long time and he cracked up at how you didn't care if he was there or not, you just played by yourself for 15 minutes. Your last two bottom teeth besides your incisors are finally about to come in which has meant an extra dose of crank in your pants lately. Right now you are sitting on the floor watching Elmo's World, and when Elmo came on the screen you got so excited and started smiling and clapping and waving at him. Everyday with you is an adventure little girl, and there are many more to come in the next few weeks.
Love you, even more than the Buckeyes,


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