Thursday, July 9, 2009

Yay! Riley's First Blog

So, after the askings of several friends and family, we finally decided to pull the trigger and here it is....(waiting for drumroll) Riley's blog! Woohoo. Since so many people are far away and some don't even have Facebook ;), here is another way to keep up on the life of Riley!
As of today we are at the 10 week mark, and as Ken and I keep saying, we haven't broken her yet! She had her 2 month appointment and her shots and it all went really well. She wasn't too bad after the shots, a little fussy that night but after that she was great. She even managed to survive her first trip to Ohio where she had the priviledge of meeting so many people, friends and family, got to experience Bob Evans and Steak N Shake, and see her first B10 Campus. (She's destined to be a buckeye now!) She has started sleeping longer at night, usually goes about 6 hours or longer before she needs to eat. The DR said she is growing great- she's 10 lbs, 4 oz, and 23 inches long. Her weight puts her right in the 50% but everyone continues to comment on how little she is. Safe to say Ken and I are still not convinced she's really going to grow up. She smiles all the time now, at the most random things. It's pretty cute. Anyways, this is more than enough for the first post...enjoy!


Adam said...

She needs a facebook page!

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