Wednesday, September 29, 2010

In which we talk about two years ago and moving

Dear Riley,

Two years ago your mama and daddy officially became your mama and daddy as a conjoined unit. As crazy as that little detail seemed at the time, if there is one thing I have learned in the last two years it is that the bond between us transcends beyond measures I could not have imagined. There have been many days over the last two years that I have realized we were just meant to be- soul mates, and while it took us awhile to get there, now that we have finally come together, I cannot imagine anything in our lives being any better than what we have now in each other and in you and in our family unit together as a whole. Daddy has supported you and I through everything- strep throat, and ear infections, and a mild bout of colic, and unemployment, and accepting unemployment, and ppd, and beyond pp depression, and learning how to walk and three hours of screaming and a stubborn streak that is only matched but not exceeded by mine. The number of times the phrase "all that matters is that you and Riley are happy" has come out of his mouth is indicative of how much you and I mean to him- but little girl, it is you that makes us complete. You are without a doubt, the coolest part of us being together, and you remind us on a daily basis that you are also at least a step ahead of us.
Next week you and I are getting on a plane and heading to Washington- and not coming back. Well, for awhile. We are officially beginning the start of a move to the Pacific Northwest, one that has been in discussion in our family for quite awhile and is finally coming to fruition. There are many more opportunities available for us there- both personally and professionally, and in the long run, this is a really good move for you, Riley D. You'll be around places where you and I can go play during the day and meet new friends and be close to children's museums and Gymboree classes and gymnastics options and for God's sake McDonald's that actually have play places! It will be an adjustment, but Daddy and I are both ready to make the journey and guess what, you don't get a choice in the matter right now! So Saturday night we are hosting a going away party with all of our peoples here and then Wednesday you and I are leaving on a jet plane. Daddy will join us in the end of October and we will be happy to see him.
I love you little girl, as much as you have loved your pink elephant in the last few days,

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Stream of Consciousness

Dear Riley,
I know, I know. I am a slacker in the worst sense of the word, however, you try and make three meals a day for yourself and a hungry and demanding 16 month old, change 432 diapers, get 343 cups of milk and water, go to the bathroom by yourself or at least attempt to, play peekaboo 4342 times a day, take a nap, and then make dinner for the whole family in a day and tell me how many hours you have left in your day. I can assure you it is not a lot. Now that you have discovered the power of the spoken language, you have a hard time being quiet. And you aren't quite speaking English completely yet, it is mostly Rileyish with an occasional Momma, Daddy, Hi, Duck, and whatever other random words you choose to throw in. Yesterday we went to the park and you went down this super long slide seven or eight times without stopping. Daddy and I were cracking up because you loved it. Although you are only 16 months old, you have already discovered the power of a fit. If you are told no, you tend to collapse into a heap on the floor after screaming your little heart out. It is hilarious and pathetic all at the same time. We finally found a toothbrush that you love, so much so that you actually say please to use it at bedtime. On Sunday night I made a blueberry loaf and you ate so much of it yesterday that I thought you were going to turn into a blueberry. We finally bit the bullet and bought a video monitor and it continues to crack us up daily with how much you do in your bed at night, especially after we put you down. Daddy gave you a bath the other night for the first time in a long time and he cracked up at how you didn't care if he was there or not, you just played by yourself for 15 minutes. Your last two bottom teeth besides your incisors are finally about to come in which has meant an extra dose of crank in your pants lately. Right now you are sitting on the floor watching Elmo's World, and when Elmo came on the screen you got so excited and started smiling and clapping and waving at him. Everyday with you is an adventure little girl, and there are many more to come in the next few weeks.
Love you, even more than the Buckeyes,

Sunday, June 20, 2010

In Honor Of Your Daddy

Dear Riley,
First of all, I must apologize for the hiatus on your blog. Apparently there were some technical issues in which I thought things were being posted and they weren't in fact. In the past six weeks you have made it your life's mission more so than ever before to climb on everything possible, eat everything possible, sleep as little as possible, and make life as hectic and interesting and surprising as possible, including pulling a fire alarm and causing a full evacuation at the Denver Children's Museum on the hottest day in Denver so far this summer, but more on that adventure later, so technical issues being addressed were at the bottom of my list.
Today is Father's Day, and little girl, I know this has been addressed here before, but lately more than ever, you are in love with your Daddy. As soon as you truly wake up in the morning, the first thing you do is run into our bedroom and demand Daddy's full attention. When he leaves for the day, you would think that the world is ending for at least five minutes by the way you throw your fit and scream. When he comes home from work, you demand he pick you up, no matter what urgent needs he has to address as soon as he comes home. You have even (shockingly!) begun to prefer him over the Momma at times, which as much as I love you, is a welcome occurrence! The best thing about your Daddy is the way he loves us...I know that you can't fully comprehend this yet, but when the time comes that you can, I hope that you can fully appreciate the depths to which his love flows for us. You and I are the most important things in his world, in his life, and everything that he does is an attempt to make life better for us and to make us happy. He is tender, firm, loving, confident, hard working, the best provider, and the piece of our puzzle that makes us whole. There is no doubt in my mind that there could not be a better Daddy for my little girl, and he continues to remind me of that everyday. You are lucky kiddo...very lucky.
I love you...almost as much as your Daddy does.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Happy Birthday Riley

Dear  Riley,
At 3:20 PM today I cried. I hugged your Daddy and I didn't even attempt to contain the emotion I was feeling at the fact that we had survived and thrived during what was a tumultuous but rewarding last year with you in our lives. And I hugged you and thought about everything that you have learned in the last year and everything you have taught us in the last year- about true, unconditional, unwavering love, and how to make someone feel as though they won the lottery just by looking at them. You are the most stubborn force that I have encountered, and perhaps there are times that you aggravate me because there is so much of you in me. You might look like your Daddy, but you act like your Momma.
I am in awe of you, my dear. Of your determination, and your stubbornness, and your explorations that never cease, and your inventiveness, and your huge smile and the way that you reach for me that could launch a thousand ships. Your little half laugh, your obsessive personality when it comes to pacifiers, your ability to turn a day 180 degrees in one direction or the other. I love you for all those things and three hundred million more reasons that I haven't yet discovered. I can't wait to explore the next year of the world with you.
I love you, even more now than I did a year ago,

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

363 Days Old

Dear Riley,

As of today you are officially 363 days old, and you have managed to pack more into the last 363 days than most people do in an entire lifetime, I think. Your climbing skills have become somewhat of a nuisance lately, as there is nothing you are convinced you would be unable to climb up, so you have done it. The couch, the metal shelf, the plastic gate keeping you away from the tv, the toy chest, the bath tub, the fridge- been there done that, and have the shirt to prove it! Your curiosity expands daily, along with your need to know/see/taste/touch everything around you. We could do without the taste thing, as Daddy keeps reminding you that some things just aren't delicious (read: outlets, blackberrys, cell phones, dirty diapers, clean diapers, balloons, the list could be endless). I wish that we had someway of convincing you to keep a hat on, alas any and all attempts to this point have been met with your stubbornness that pulls it off your head in .001 seconds after we have put it on your head. Such is life with a 363 day old, huh?
Love you, as much as you love Nilla Wafers,

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Climbing In The Fridge

Dear Riley,
This would be your newest trick- after weeks and weeks of playing in the fridge, you have finally figured out that it was within your grasp to simply SCALE the fridge. I let you play in it while I was loading the dishwasher, looked away, looked back and there you were. Looking at me like I was the stupid one for not climbing right up there with you. Daddy put it best when he said this was not something they warned us about in our expectant parenting class.
We have created a monster. You are no longer content to be contained while shopping in stores- you want to be down and walk around and explore and pull things off of shelves and show every employee in the store the reign of terror you have can bring down, even though you don't weigh more than 21 lbs. Today we let you play with one of your birthday presents in the store to see if you liked it (you did!) and then you refused to be restrained for any longer. I love how funny you are in new places-shrieking for the whole world to hear. It's HILARIOUS.
A year ago tomorrow was supposed to be your 2nd attempted birthday. Dada and I had a good laugh tonight about the 2 weeks between the first time you were supposed to be born and the day you finally actually decided to make your grand entrance. Should have known then what we were getting into.
Love big as the smiled on your face when you climbed in the fridge,

Monday, April 19, 2010

Sunsation-al Weekend/Not Me Monday

Dear Riley,
you are a pistol. A little pistol. It was definitely NOT you this weekend who spent 40 minutes wandering all over the ops office at Copper, finding an ethernet cord and discovering the hole was big enough to fit over your not so little head. It has to have been some other small child who discovered puddles for the first time at Sunsation- soaking your baby blue fleece plants with water and mud. We definitely didn't let you take ice out of our empty cocktail glasses and eat it. You also definitely did NOT fall asleep in your highchair for the THIRD time in the last three weeks. And I also did not leave you there because you were a mess and removing from said highchair would have caused you to wake up, so there you stayed. You also have not developed a fascination/obsession with the trash can, so much so that Daddy and I are seriously considering buying a stainless steel locking can just to keep your little hands off the wine bottle that you keep mistaking for a teething toy.
Love you, as big as the big white bucket that you kept putting things in today and couldn't get them back out of,
(oh and you are know saying mama consistently...thank you;-D))

Thursday, April 15, 2010

54 Weeks Ago

Dear Riley,
You know, everybody is so excited for your 1st birthday. And while I totally agree, and am equally excited, I am also excited at the prospect of the fact that Daddy and I have survived, thrived and will most of all celebrate your first year of life with you in two weeks.
We talked last night about how tomorrow marks the one year anniversary of your supposed-to-be first birthday. They tried to force your hand and make you show your little face, and there was no way-no how-no freaking way in hell were you going to show up that day. There were anxious family visits to the hospital that night, text messages overflowing my inbox, and the only way that I managed to get any sleep at all was the Ambien they gave me that made me feel like I was drunk for the first time in, oh, 37 weeks. The only thing we got out of that hospital stay was a huge bruise on my arm from a rookie nurse who couldn't get the IV in the first 2 times she tried, and a Daddy whom it took 1/2 a bottle of gin before he could begin to think about calming down. There was no Riley. Two weeks later, after enough "you haven't had that baby yet" , and "get your sleep while you can", and "go see a movie now!" to fill up my seemingly still expanding stomach, a week in Denver, and the most intense 12 hours of my life, you finally appeared with a glare on your face that spoke to the feelings you had regarding your exit from the warm dark place you had previously resided. I don't think Daddy and I thought we were going to survive the first few weeks- here was this creature, who cried at random times, ate at random times, and slept more often than not. We were warm bodies who held the bottle for you, slaves to do your bidding, even when it included things you hated, like getting your diaper changed. You and I slept together on the futon when Daddy went back to work, and the roofers who were at the time redoing our roof never even seemed to bother you. People would glance knowingly at us when we took you out in public, as if they knew the contents of the car seat we carried had just turned our entire world upside down without even blinking an eye. And now, all of a sudden, you are this toddler, who is learning to manipulate, to get what you want, to play in the fridge, to eat new things, to fall asleep wherever you are, including your highchair before and after eating your dinner. And while two weeks from tommorow I will no doubt be a blubbering wreck who cannot believe that you have been a part of our lives for a year, I will also take a moment to stop and reflect on the person you have made me become- a more sensitive, but sometimes exasperated, caring, but firm, laid back, but anxious, happy, content wife, mother, person. And your Daddy- who puts up a tough front but melted into a goopy puddly mess at the sight of you for the first 2 weeks after you were born, who still looks at you and says oh you are the most perfect little thing, you have turned him into a better man- a better person- and the most awesome Daddy that a girl could ever ask for.
Love you as much as you love your pancakes in the morning,

Friday, April 9, 2010

Twelve Months of Riley- May

Dear Riley,
Three weeks from today our house and hearts will be flooded with love and family and friends who are all here to join us in celebrating you- ornery, stubborn, loud, adorable, amazing, fascinating, don't drink too deeply or you might get drunk on her awesomeness- you. I can't tell you the number of times Daddy and in the last week have said to each other, how can it be a year already? You have packed enough terrorizing and exploring and climbing and eating and smiles into the last 11 months and 1 week to fill up six years.
Last May was an adventure for us. I will never forget Daddy carrying you in the car seat from the hospital to the car where he commented, "I feel like I'm carrying a dripping trash bag." We carted you to the Ronald McDonald House, where we had to collect all of the rest of our belongings that were left when we rushed to the hospital at 330 AM the Thursday before. You never even opened your eyes, little girl. Not once. We started up the hill and soon we were greeted by a blaring "Go shawty, it's your birfday" from the speakers at the house where Scott and Dave were anxiously awaiting your arrival. I laughed so hard I was crying. We moved from our house at Belford into our condo, and everything was in a pile on the floor and you slept in your bouncy seat because we didn't have a crib yet, but not a damn thing mattered because we, our family, was in OUR house and you were with us. I'm not sure Daddy was convinced that I was going to survive after the first week...having a new life around really messes with a momma's hormones. We ate out a lot and stumbled through the first few weeks, but damnit kid those were the happiest few weeks of our lives. All because of you. Who knew that 7 lbs 12 oz of a little girl who didn't know how to do anything except eat and sleep could cause a serious case of permagrin? Everytime I looked at you I felt like I cried. I always sometimes do still.
You have brought us through the most exhausting, exhilarating, adventurous year of our lives kid. Your stubborness I admire (although Daddy would argue that I am as stubborn as you if not more so), your easy going and carefreeness everyone around us covets.
I love you as much as you love Elmo, (and that is A LOT!)

Monday, April 5, 2010

Not Me/My Child Monday

Dear Riley,

You discovered the fridge this week...and there is NO way that I would ever let you dig in there until you find something to tote around the kitchen with you. I also did not look away from the fridge for a second and turn back to find you digging into Daddy's Ready to Serve sausages while sitting quietly on the floor. NOT ME, for sure. I also have definitely not stopped giving you pancakes in the morning in your highchair and just let you wander amongst your toys while eating them. NEVER. I have also never forgotten to close the bathroom door so that you don't wander into the bathroom and stick your hand in the toilet bowl. Not me! Nor did I keep watching Sesame Street after you fell asleep during your nap and crack up at the adult jokes that they make. Not your Momma! Nor did I turn into a goopy puddle mess on Friday when Daddy left for the weekend to go to Uncle Juan's bachelor party. I also did NOT scoop you up from the pack and play at Grandma Sharon's house when you cried at 3 AM on Saturday night and just cuddle with you until 5. I wouldn't ruin our sleep training like that. (PS- it's not ruined.) I would NOT go the teensiest bit overboard on your Easter basket...NOT ME!
love you almost as much as you loved your elmo basket,

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

11 Months

Dear Riley,
You are gradually coming up to the anniversary of a day that changed the lives of your Momma and Daddy, and everyone you have ever come into contact with. There have been days and moments in the last week or so that I have looked at you and all of a sudden you become a blur because of the water that has filled up my eyes. A whole year kiddo, and we're all still speaking to each other, and we're all still madly in love with you. Perhaps its your stunning personality, or you infectious smile, but whatever it is, you are oozing with it.
You are starting to discover pairs- things that are alike. Today you spent twenty minutes pillaging your toy basket looking for each of your rubber blocks, and when you found one, you pulled it from the jaws of the toy basket and toddled it over to the couch, where it was waiting to meet one of its other nine friends. You only managed to pull out seven of the ten blocks, but I think the other three may have escaped you by being in the duck, or hiding behind the gate.
You have also learned the wonders there are to behold in the fridge! Oh man, could you have a hayday in there. Yesterday, I had it open for awhile and in the three seconds that I had my back turned, you had rescued a can of pears from the bottom shelf. You proceeded to carry the pears back to the living room with you, where you sat on the couch and watched Elmo with them, and stacked them up with your blocks. Normalcy is not a prominent factor in your DNA, kiddo.
Your birthday invitations came today...let the month of party planning begin!!!
Love you, as big as the can of pears you are now attached to,

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Stubborn, Stubborn, Stubborn

Dear Riley,
Today I got a glimpse into the world of how stubborn you truly are. For awhile, I called you persistent, but I have now realized that was being too nice in diagnosing one of the more drive-me-crazy endearing parts of your personality. With your walking becoming your only mode of transportation and your sudden realization of the fact that there is more to our little condo than you once knew was explorable by yourself, you are less content to stay confined to the living room. Our best efforts to confine you include some PVC piping and cute material, and it as existed and served its purpose for so long that you have now outsmarted it. We used to just be able to close the door and you wouldn't touch it, but no, little smarty pants, you have now realized that with a little pushing and shoving, you can make your way outta there and move on to better and bigger things. (Sidenote- pancakes from your morning breakfast that were hiding in your highchair are NOT bigger and better things)I'm still not used to little feet pitter pattering into the kitchen and you going after the cabinets. Daddy finally finished baby proofing them, so we have finally outsmarted you in one aspect of the house. Today, you only wanted to play with my phone. When I told you NO and wouldn't give it to you, offered your beloved froggy to me, and then reached for my phone. You did this probably 34 times today, even though you got the same response each time. Despite our finally outsmarting you in the kitchen cabinet area, you continue to try to open them every time you pitterpatter into the kitchen. I admire your stubbornness, and as crazy as it drives me now, I cross my fingers that you don't lose that quality as you get older and the obstacles are much bigger than trying to open a kitchen cabinet.
I love you kid. I just do.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Almost a Year

Dear Riley,
Do you know that you are almost a year old? And while I will wait the 37 days to full gush over how incredible you have made the last year of our lives, I have began thinking about all the things that happened last year leading up to your very first birthday. There were so many emotions, ups and downs, and excitement, and what finally happened after waiting what seemed like forever for you to decide to come out. I just was perusing facebook and found the Ronald McDonald House homepages and am sitting here crying while I watch you sleep. A whole year kiddo. A year in which you learned to eat real food, and crawl, and sit up, and walk, how get our attention, and sleep through the night, and how to like the bath, and who we are in the grand scheme of things. I love you baby girl!
Your latest obsession is finding random things in the house that you then become obsessed with- like a shoe. When we were visiting Grandma Sally and Grandpa Doug, you found Grandpa's shoe and walked all over the house with it for 20 minutes. You have continued to do that- whether its your shoe, or mine, or your Finding Nemo bowl, or a marker, or a bottle of lotion- it becomes yours the second you pick it up.
I can't wait to see what you have in store for us in the coming weeks kiddo. I ordered your birthday invitations yesterday and CANNOT believe you are almost 1.
Love you, as big as your screams this morning for some reason unbeknown st to me,

Sunday, March 14, 2010


Dear Riley,
Have I told you about your Daddy? You are a Daddy’s girl, little lady, and it shows in everything you do. Your entire body smiles when he walks in the door from work and you demand to be picked up at that very instant. If he refuses such requests, he is met with your angry voice, until he can’t take it anymore and comes to rescue you from your gated-in play area. There are times when he sees you and his only reaction is “Oh, you are so beautiful” to which you respond with one of your trillion billion dollar smiles and then throw your arms around his neck and give him a hug. In those moments, I’m never sure whose face is shining brighter, yours, or your Daddy’s. While you are mostly a momma’s girl, due to the fact that most of your waking hours are spent with me, you love to play with daddy. On the day you were born, the doctors and nurses had you under a warming lamp and he just sat there and stared at you for so long. Eventually one of the nurses told him he could touch you and his response was “Oh, I wasn’t sure!” On the first night after you were born, he spent the majority of it jumping three hundred feet in the air every time you made a sound. Every morning when he leaves for work, you let out a shriek as though you are fairly certain that could have been the last time you were going to see him. Sometime when I look at you, I swear he is the one looking back at me, but he continues to maintain that you get your “cuteness” from me. He is everything I thought he would be in a dad- caring, unconditionally loving, hard working, fun, and usually the disciplinarian because if I tell you no, you just look at me and smile. From Daddy, it means business. You love to play with him, and you REALLY love to hang out in his office. For some reason, you have developed a silly obsession with a bottle of Cholua that he has at his office, and every time we are there, you grab for it first, and then proceed to take the National Geographics off the book shelf. A few weeks ago, we took you to a play area at the mall, and there were probably 80 parents all crowded around the outer area of it, and amongst the scads of people, you found him, your Daddy, and gave him the biggest grin I’d ever seen. Sometimes, when I leave the room and you start to wail, he tells you that he’s pretty sure I’m not running away with Kris Allen just yet. More often than not he says that Matt Nathanson could be your new daddy, and he laughed when I asked if we could offer you up to Super Bowl MVP (and Momma’s favorite football player) Drew Brees’ son. He sees you for what you are- your own, new, exciting, individual person, and he sees the potential you have in you. (I mean, come on, you are OUR kid) He and I make a great team together, your parents, and that’ what we are- a team. He loves our company on a trip to Buena Vista to get the snowmobile trailer, even if you do sleep for 3 hours, and I never stop talking. He was absolutely giddy when he went to Kaye’s last week and ordered you a grilled cheese and French fries. I don’t know how you feel yet, but I know that I breathe a little bit easier when he’s around- relief for the missing piece to my puzzle that has been found.
I love you Riley D. Almost as much as I love your Daddy. ;o)

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Dear Riley,
If one more person tells me that you are walking really early, I'm not sure what I'm going to do, but I don't know if it's going to be nice or not. You have now perfected the art of walking, and while you fall occasionally, you get right back up  and continue on your merry way. It is your preferred mode of transportation. It's so funny to watch you walk because you are still so FREAKING LITTLE! It's not for lack of eating, you have yet to meet a food you don't like, or a person, for that matter, even if people are okay just from a distance in Momma's arms. Walking or not, you have to eat, and oh man do you love grilled cheese!! So far, that seems to be your favorite, but you realllly love french fries. And we've started giving you whole french fries, and it's HILARIOUS to watch you nom nom nom nom nom on them until they are in your mouth.
Today you started something else new- bababababababababababababababbabababab CONSTANTLY. When we went down to Daddy's office, you walked all over the halls and just bababbaabababed constantly. It's funny, because the tone of the babababab changes depending on how you are feeling. For instance, when we brought you home and put you in the living room behind your gate, you BABABABABAB-ed angrily until I came in from the kitchen to join you. You crack me up kid, everyday.
I love you as big as the grilled cheese you ate for dinner last night from Kaye's,

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Grilled Cheese and Raviolis, Please!

Dear Riley,
You learned how to say please in sign language! (Sort of) You were wildly going after one of your pacifiers the other day, and I said to you "say please" and you responded by patting your leg- the sign for it is actually patting on the chest, but I was so excited that you had actually retained it, and I gave you a huge hug so I'm sure you are now under the impression that you are doing it right. You get so excited when I ask you to do it, and you do, it's hilarious! I was asking you for your Elmo the other day, and you wouldn't give him to me until you I said please. There are a few words I would use to describe you, but I fear that you may learn to read at a freakishly early age like I did so I will refrain.
We have also figured out that you are addicted to grilled cheese, and veggie dip crunchies from gerber. They are like little baby cheetos, and we cannot keep a can in the house for more than two or three days. Raviolis continue to top the list of favorites, but grilled cheese is definitely coming in as a very close second.
We took you swimming again today for the first time since December, and we were sorry we waited so long, as you were completely uncomfortable for most of the time. Eventually, you started splashing, and then you immediately seemed to be more comfortable. You crack me up kid, and you do on a daily basis, typically multiple times throughout the day.
The other thing you have learned how to do lately is "give loves", which includes you throwing your arms around the person holding you or the thing you are holding, and pressing your forehead down into their body. ADORABLE. Cuter than your little self walking all over the house.
You had watched Elmo before, but this week you have renewed your love affair with him, and added another member to the mix- Abby Cadabby. Abby wasn't a character when Daddy and I were little, but she is funny, and her and Elmo together causes you to not be able to turn away from the tv. After you were in bed last night, Daddy and I sat and watched the section of Sesame Street's website with the celebrity appearance videos....umm, I mean, we watched grown up movies and did grown up things. Yeah. That's what we did.

Love you, as much as you love your dirty old frog that Daddy and I are going to replace next time we order anything from,


Sunday, February 21, 2010

These Boots Were Made For Walkin'

Dear Riley,
This week you finally figured out that you had the ability to take more than two steps at a time, and you have freaking just taken off places. It's so funny to watch because when you start to take a step, there is a look on your face as if you are making the hardest decision in the world whether to try and take your baby steps over to the thing that you so desire, or to just give into the weight of your gargantuan head and just crawl there. So far, the walking is winning about 60% of the time. Yay! Everyone has commented on how early you are walking. We just smile and nod and say yeah, we know. Crazy freaking kid.
In other world news, you are outgrowing all of your nine month clothes, thanks to what I believe to have been a recent growth spurt. Thus, we had to go shopping and get you some 12 month outfits, etc, and I have to say, Daddy and I were extremely bummed to find out that we now have to pick out your pajamas from the back of the Carters store, instead of in the front where all the cute little pajamas are. It was a significant event to us, because, holy shit, you're not that little anymore. As soon as you start spitting out words, you will be living up to the "little person" name that we called you for eight and a half months. Your tricks seem to mulitply everyday, and you seriously have yet to stop amazing us. Last night, you were fully clothes while you were eating some teddy grahams, and somehow, one managed to wind up in your diaper. In the INSIDE of your diaper. When you talk, I would like an explanation, please.
Love you as big as the screams you had while we were putting you to bed tonight,

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

"Sensitive Skin"

Dear Riley,
If I had a nickle for everytime I've heard from a doctor since you were born that you "just have sensitive skin", your savings account would have more than sixty two dollars in it. Thanks to your sensitive skin, you have what has come to seem to be a semi permanent diaper rash, that no matter how hard we try and how much different stuff we put on it, doesn't go away. You have GLARED at us and flailed all four limbs in the last few days when we have changed your diaper. OH SO PLEASANT.
It contintues to amaze me how much you are able to learn now. Just today you started raising your hand over your head and I think that is your way of saying hi. It is HYSTERICAL. We are trying like hell to get you to say "mama" or "dada" but to no avail yet. You grin a huge smile at us when we say it to you, but have yet to repeat it.
Our most exciting consistent accomplishment as of late is walking. You took two steps for me a few weeks ago, and Daddy has been jealous ever since. Last night while we were talking to Grandma Sally and Grandpa Doug on Skype, you took two more steps. Tonight, Grandma Sharon stopped by to drop off some clean pajamas for you since our washer is on the fritz and she was cleaning some of our clothes for us. She was playing with you for a bit, and decided to see if you would take a few steps for her. You little twerp took off with three straight steps right to her. I finally got it on video. Everyone keeps saying that we are in real trouble once you start walking, but we agreed this morning that its not like walking will enable to you get anywhere you can't get right now, since you are an expert climber.
Tonight we are spending our first night alone in our condo. Daddy is in Denver taking the CCNA exam, which he last tried to take the morning of April 30th, but someone else has other plans for that day. Daddy is convinced you've had it out for him since before you were born.
Love you as big as the hole in my heart where you're not here,

Monday, February 8, 2010

Baby's 1st Super Bowl Sunday!

Dear Riley,
Because you are so fortunate as to being growing up as the child of football obsessed parents, your first Super Bowl Sunday is a momentous occasion for you. This one more so because Momma's favorite football player since she was 14 was playing in it, and the level of the excitement I was experiencing was second only to if my beloved Browns were playing in it. So, we trucked down to Denver to hit up a few "city things" as Daddy likes to call them, then headed over to John and Hilary's house to take the game with a bunch of Colts fans. Momma silently cheered for the Saints the ENTIRE game, amidst a room full blue and white jersey-ed Colts fans. You lost interest in hanging out by the game when people wouldn't let you have their beers and spent the rest of the evening tearing around John's hardwood floors and playing with Sam. Daddy, because he is the most selfless person I have ever met and knew how much this game meant to me, just hung out with you while Momma got to watch the game. He is the BEST.
Last week at your nine month well check, Dr. Morano informed us that you were just getting up three and four times in the night out of habit and that it was time to just let you cry it out and you'd learn. So last Monday, we tried it, and you cried for 20 minutes and then stopped and went to sleep. The last few nights have been fantastic- you haven't cried for more than five minutes, and wake up about 11-12 hours later in a great mood and all of a sudden things seem so much better during the day for everyone involved!! It's amazing.
Love you as much as you love cheese ravolis,

Friday, February 5, 2010

Nine Months

Dear Riley,

The last time I wrote here I had proudly proclaimed to Daddy that my new goal was to write to you twice a week. So far that has been a miserable failure, so here goes a second attempt, with gusto!
Since my absence, you have officially turned nine months old. That means, little girl, that you have been wreaking havoc on our lives for the last year and a half, and we wouldn't have it any other way. Your 9 month check up was on Monday, and Dr. Morano commented on how cute you are and how healthy you are and how strong you are. There was a moment right after we got there that I sat in the waiting room reflecting on the reasons we'd been there in the last 9 months- your 48 hour check up, 2 week check up, 2 month, 6 month check up, ear infection, thrush, and then your 9 month check up. You don't seem to mind going there, this time, you only got one shot and didn't actually cry much at all. Your weight and height are right in the 50th percentile and your head has made a fantastic jump from the 50th percentile to the 95th! Yes! I was so proud- they were a little alarmed but I assured them that large heads run in our family.
You are full of adventure these days- climbing onto the couch from the floor- which you have mastered, escaping from the barricade we set for you to keep you in the living room and racing into the kitchen to open the cupboard doors, not to get anything out of them, but just to open and close them repeatedly. Daddy threw you for a loop when last weekend he started baby proofing them- however, he got the one that you ALWAYS go to, but not the one next to it, and as soon as you realized that, you didn't skip a beat and just went to the one next to it and proceeded to open and close that door. There's something to be said for your uncanny stubbornness and resilience- you get that from me. You're welcome.
Perfect example of your stubbornness- I got a "snack catcher" at Target the other day designed to prevent you from spilling cheerios all over the floor. The package it came in said that it was meant for 12 months and up. I put some cheerios in it and put it on the floor with you- about 3 minutes later you had it figured out. So much for the manufacturer's recommendation of 12 months and up.
One of my friends was commenting to me this week about how it just pours out of you how much you are loved. It touched me more than she will ever realize, because I don't know that I even comprehend how much you are loved. There are more days than not that Daddy and I will look at you and say to each other "we made did we do that....she's the most amazing little thing." And you respond to by looking at him and then looking at me and then beaming at us with the most beautiful smile I've ever seen and your eyes seem to say that you have won the mom and dad lottery, no matter what anybody else thinks, you in fact have the best parents in the world. The adventures you have taken us on in the last year and a half are amazing, so amazing, in fact that I cannot imagine what the next years will hold.
Love you as big as the mess you made with markers all over yourself tonight,

Monday, January 18, 2010

Not My Child Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

My child definitely didn't wake up at 11 PM last night and keep herself and me up until 3:15 AM. Not my sweet baby. She also didn't refuse juice or formula for two days straight this week due to an ear infection, nor did she weasel her little self into our bed with us for two nights straight. She also didn't learn how to crawl on top of the couch like a cat, or figure out how to stand up in the seat of a shopping cart, even belted in. She also didn't demand to take the spoon from me last night while eating dinner, and proceed to dump out the rest of the jar of broccoli and cheese and carrots and spread it all over her high chair and me. She would NEVER discover that if she reaches through the holes of her babyjail she can grab at the netflix movies or the tv remotes or the books she's not supposed to have. She didn't discover the knocking over towers of blocks is her new favorite past time and giggled uncontrollably when Daddy kept building them for her. She definitely didn't run head first into a wooden post at Grandma's house and give herself a huge knot on her forehead and her daddy a near heart attack. And she would NEVER take two steps in front of her momma and then refuse to do it for her daddy. NEVER.


Sunday, January 17, 2010

Ear Infections and No Juice and Knocking Over Towers, OH MY!

Dear Riley,
About halfway through the week this week you decided to boycott formula. For a day and a half, you stuck pretty hard with apple juice and that was enough for us. Then on Thursday you straight up denied any sort of fluids. By Friday, I was ready to commit you to the hospital simply for my own sanity, so we called the dr and made an appt. She was super perplexed by your symptoms, because you weren't spiking a fever and for the most part seemed to be in a relatively good mood. She checked you out, and said everything looked good until she got a peek into your left ear. Ta da! Your first ear infection. Problem solved. She said you were probably boycotting fluids because it hurt you to suck on anything, sippy cups especially. So she wrote us a prescription for antibiotics and told us to keep you up on a tylenol-motrin rotation every 3 hours to help with the pain control and that should help fix the no fluid issue. Grandma Sharon's exact words, I think were "you have this coming" to Momma. Momma had recurrent ear infections as a kid, and Grandma Sharon seems to think this is a bit of karma coming back to bite me in the butt. Ah well. You have been relatively peaceful and happy except when we try and give you a sippy- but you are more inclined to go after juice than formula, so that's what we've done.
It is so funny to see you lately- you are developing so much of your own little personality. You are stubborn, and love to climb on things. Just this morning you were climbing all over the couch and me and Daddy, and cracking up while doing it. This week you took steps on your own for the first time- but won't do it again. You are a stubborn kid. Have I mentioned that? You continue to crack us up on a daily basis with your faces and new things you love to do. Daddy was building towers for you this morning out of blocks and you were cracking up when you were knocking them down. What an 8.5 months this has been.
Love you as big as Daddy's leopard print snuggie,

Monday, January 11, 2010

Banana Pancakes, Fig Newtons and No More Sleeping

Dear Riley,
The trend of the last few weeks has been finding out what table foods you like and oh little darlin, there are many. So far, your favorites seem to be banana pancakes and fig newtons. You are oh SO healthy. You are extremely hit or miss as far as when you will eat baby food these days- for instance, tonight you sat down and ate 3 whole jars in about 8 minutes or less. However, twice last week I tried to give you baby food and you gave me a stare that made me wonder how I could even try to subject to you these injustices. Oh fickle child of mine.
The last week you have been going to the Schoolhouse at Union Creek with me. Before you were born, Momma spent 4 years working at the Schoolhouse, so to me, it is like a second home. It is quickly becoming one of your favorite places- there is so much to explore and so much to see and so many kids to play with. You hang out in the peanut shell (our favorite sling) and fall asleep for a few minutes, but wake up quickly, lest you miss anything.
Your other latest adventure is not sleeping through the night. You were the BEST sleeper for so long, and in what I can only assume is a desperate attempt to drive your daddy insane, you have decided it is appropriate to scream your head off at all hours of the morning until you get a cup full of formula. The irony in all this is that you won't take a freaking cup of formula during the day. Your screaming has even gotten to the point where I keep all the important ingredients to make you a cup by the bedside table, and most nights don't even need to turn the light on to make the cup. When I hear you sucking on the end of the cup, I hand you froggy and that's it, hopefully until the sun comes up through the window. You take up so much room in the king size bed that I have sworn many times in the last week that the next time one of our friends tell us they are pregnant the next words out of my mouth are going to be get a king size bed.
Love you as big as the cup of apple juice you drank today at the schoolhouse,

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Baby's First Christmas (and New Years) (and OSU Rose Bowl Victory)

Dear Riley,
I've been meaning to write this for a few days, but ever since we got back from Washington if I have moved more than three feet away from you I have been afraid that you were going to begin breathing fire at any moment so needless to say I haven't had much free time to be able sit down and do this. It has finally found me, so here you go!
Your first Christmas- so Grandma Sharon loves Christmas more than anybody I know and has been so excited about your first Christmas it's just silly. She was going to Ohio to see Uncle Adam and her entire side of the family Christmas morning, about 2 hours after we flew to Washington to be with Grandma Sally and Grandpa Doug and Uncle Keith and Uncle Sam. So we spent Christmas Eve at her house- and while for awhile you weren't too sure about the whole present thing, eventually you figured out there were new things to play with. Despite Daddy's somewhat resistance, we got you a few toys and then Grandma Sharon got you a bunch of stuff. We hung out at Grandma Sharon's, you pulled her CD's off the shelf (your favorite thing to do at her house) and then we ended up leaving you there to spend the night because we hadn't packed a darn thing and were leaving the house at 5 AM! So we came home and packed to spend five days in Gig Harbor with Daddy's side of the family- then picked up you and Grandma Sharon at 5 AM and off to Denver we went. You continue to be the epitome of perfect on airplanes, which is starting to freak me out. We were terrified about taking you on this flight- but you were so freaking good AGAIN. You didn't even eat on the plane- except for Daddy's ice (you are such a strange little creature) and a bite of a cracker that I gave you. You looooved looking out the window and when you were ready to fall asleep, you put your little head down right on my hand and closed your eyes and passed out. Daddy and I were slightly terrified about how you would respond to so many people you didn't know because you are in the peak of the "Stranger danger" phase. You were sitting in your sling with me and Grandma Sally gave us a hug and said hi to you and you just looked at her and put your head down on my shoulder as if to say "this is my momma and you can't take her". Daddy said you did better with everybody than he thought you would, and I thought you did worse than I thought you would. If I tried to leave the room you screamed your head off until I returned. You did great as long as I was there!
While we were there, we took you to the Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium and the Seattle Children's Museum. You so much loved the fish at the aquarium and totally loved playing with all the kids at the children's museum.I know there's more that happened but those are the highlights. I will post pictures for you after I find our camera.
You are eight months old now- eight freakin' months! How did that happen?
Love you as big as the basket of stuffed animals that belongs to you that is sitting on our living room floor,
