Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Baby In The Mirror

Dear Riley,
Your most recent discovery is mirrors, and more specifically the fact that YOU are in fact, the baby in the mirror smiling back at yourself. It's horribly amusing to watch you as I think you forget it from time to time when you are away from a mirror but once brought back to it, it takes you a few minutes to remember that it's you you're looking at. You stare around for a second and then try to grab at yourself- Daddy and I are always commenting on your seeming lack of depth perception sometimes. Although you have discovered wheel barrowing yourself off the couch and enjoy it way too much! You continue to amaze us. We were talking this morning about how funny you are in the mornings, just laying around for awhile, staring off, as if you are contemplating what monumental things you should try to scratch off your to-do list today. Today I left the living room to go to the bathroom and didn't take you with me (not usually a great idea), but you seemed to be happy and fine with it at the time so off I went. I came back to find you halfway across the living room and almost to the kitchen, searching frantically everywhere you went as if you thought I had left you alone in the entire condo by yourself. As if.
Love you as big as The Horse Shoe,


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