Tuesday, February 16, 2010

"Sensitive Skin"

Dear Riley,
If I had a nickle for everytime I've heard from a doctor since you were born that you "just have sensitive skin", your savings account would have more than sixty two dollars in it. Thanks to your sensitive skin, you have what has come to seem to be a semi permanent diaper rash, that no matter how hard we try and how much different stuff we put on it, doesn't go away. You have GLARED at us and flailed all four limbs in the last few days when we have changed your diaper. OH SO PLEASANT.
It contintues to amaze me how much you are able to learn now. Just today you started raising your hand over your head and I think that is your way of saying hi. It is HYSTERICAL. We are trying like hell to get you to say "mama" or "dada" but to no avail yet. You grin a huge smile at us when we say it to you, but have yet to repeat it.
Our most exciting consistent accomplishment as of late is walking. You took two steps for me a few weeks ago, and Daddy has been jealous ever since. Last night while we were talking to Grandma Sally and Grandpa Doug on Skype, you took two more steps. Tonight, Grandma Sharon stopped by to drop off some clean pajamas for you since our washer is on the fritz and she was cleaning some of our clothes for us. She was playing with you for a bit, and decided to see if you would take a few steps for her. You little twerp took off with three straight steps right to her. I finally got it on video. Everyone keeps saying that we are in real trouble once you start walking, but we agreed this morning that its not like walking will enable to you get anywhere you can't get right now, since you are an expert climber.
Tonight we are spending our first night alone in our condo. Daddy is in Denver taking the CCNA exam, which he last tried to take the morning of April 30th, but someone else has other plans for that day. Daddy is convinced you've had it out for him since before you were born.
Love you as big as the hole in my heart where you're not here,


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