Thursday, April 22, 2010

Climbing In The Fridge

Dear Riley,
This would be your newest trick- after weeks and weeks of playing in the fridge, you have finally figured out that it was within your grasp to simply SCALE the fridge. I let you play in it while I was loading the dishwasher, looked away, looked back and there you were. Looking at me like I was the stupid one for not climbing right up there with you. Daddy put it best when he said this was not something they warned us about in our expectant parenting class.
We have created a monster. You are no longer content to be contained while shopping in stores- you want to be down and walk around and explore and pull things off of shelves and show every employee in the store the reign of terror you have can bring down, even though you don't weigh more than 21 lbs. Today we let you play with one of your birthday presents in the store to see if you liked it (you did!) and then you refused to be restrained for any longer. I love how funny you are in new places-shrieking for the whole world to hear. It's HILARIOUS.
A year ago tomorrow was supposed to be your 2nd attempted birthday. Dada and I had a good laugh tonight about the 2 weeks between the first time you were supposed to be born and the day you finally actually decided to make your grand entrance. Should have known then what we were getting into.
Love big as the smiled on your face when you climbed in the fridge,


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